brand guidelines for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr Day Brand guidelines with a background of the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument

what your brands needs to consider when posting and communicating on Martin Luther King Jr Day

Monday, January 16, 2023 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The holiday honors the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr, remembered as the leader of nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement that fought for racial equality and paved the way for federal and state reform. This year, reflecting on the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy is more important than ever, take this day to honor King's work and celebrate the progress that has been made towards racial equality, justice, and recommit to continued progress.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a chance to revisit your commitments that your brand may have made last summer. We’ve summarized a few key guidelines and things to avoid if your brand chooses to post about the holiday, and also share what steps Verde is taking in our own DEI efforts.

Things to consider:

  • Posting a message on your website or social media channels acknowledging the holiday and expressing support for diversity, inclusion, and equality can come across as performative

    • Example: An image of MLK Jr with a quote

  • Consider making a donation to a relevant charity or organization in honor of the holiday

  • Use the occasion to reflect on your own brand's values and practices, and consider what steps you can take to promote diversity and inclusivity within your organization

  • Consider partnering with a relevant organization to support a project or initiative that aligns with the values and mission of Martin Luther King Jr Day

Social Media Posting Suggestions

  • DECIDE whether or not to post on Monday, MLK Day. As a team, discuss your approach and communications plan. 

  • BE prepared to acknowledge current events and recognize racism as a present-day issue we’re responsible for fighting.

  • BE wary of posting an image of MLK and/or quote.

  • DO (or be prepared to) share the progress you’ve made in your DEI work in 2020. Your audience can learn from you. Share your goals for 2021 and how you’re going to begin, and invite other ideas, but without losing site of the day‘s meaning and focus.

  • DO make a plan for engaging with your followers who have questions, comments, and even criticism about your statements. Be ready to back up your statements and commitments, be open to suggestions and constructive feedback.

  • DO delete any comments that are racist or violent in nature. If you’re not sure how to engage with your audience, seek outside help. Hire a DEI consultant who specializes in this work, and pay them for their expertise. It ok to disable comments on this post.

  • DON’T host a “MLK Day Sale.” This is inappropriate.

  • DON’T make your MLK post the only day you address racism or DEI work this year. This is a topic that needs constant work and attention, and one holiday a year is not enough to address it. Be ready to revisit your commitments throughout the year. 

  • START making your plans now. A couple of important dates are February, which is Black History Month, and Juneteenth, but expand beyond those significant dates. 

It is important to approach this holiday with respect and sensitivity, and to recognize that it has deep meaning and significance for many people. Brands should take care to avoid co-opting the holiday or using it as a marketing opportunity, and should instead focus on ways to authentically and meaningfully honor the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr.

Continued Learning:

In addition, we recommend taking Monday to educate yourself further on MLK and his importance to the United States and how we can run with vision and celebrate his life. The New York Times published an article, Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 9 Ways to Honor His Legacy, which covers several events this year and unique ways people are honoring Dr. King. For a deeper dive, visit the King Center’s website to learn more about his legacy and how to they are continuing his mission.

In addition, PBS recommends three documentaries - Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class, Left Behind America, and My Everyday Hustle to watch

DEI Resources

We created and hosted a series of discussions around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (which you can find here>). Please, remember, it is never too late to begin working towards these goals personally, professionally and as a brand or organization.

We created a guide covering tons of outdoor non-profits (please contact us if you’d like your organization added):

If you’d like for us to add any suggestions or if you have questions contact us>

Thank you!

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