Channel Mastery - Ep. 107: Ryan Atkinson, SmartEtailing


“Everybody who buys from you is precious. And how you treat them makes a difference on whether they're going to come back or not.”

- Ryan Atkinson


 Ryan Atkinson returns to Channel Mastery after a wide reaching webinar with the National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA). He is President and Co-Owner of SmartEtailing and talks to us about the importance of evolving when it comes to how consumers purchase not only bicycles, but other products as well. Click and Collect shopping iis on the incline and Ryan and his team at SmartEtailing are helping specialty bike shops keep sales within their communities, ensure consumer accessibility to the products, and help the “shop local” movements for Independent Bicycle Dealers across the country through an online presence. If you’re a specialty business leader getting ready to head into Holiday 2019, this is an episode you won’t want to miss!


Ryan Atkinson

Ryan is passionate about enhancing marketing for independent bicycle dealers. With more than 20 years of related experience, Ryan has worked in almost every aspect of the bicycle retail distribution network, from turning wrenches at the local bike shop to launching new products for Trek Bicycle Corporation. Before joining SmartEtailing, Ryan founded Harvest Retail Marketing, a leader in marketing solutions for the independent bike dealer. His diverse background has engendered a deep understanding about the challenges facing independent retailers and the importance of implementing marketing and technology solutions to grow those businesses.


“And with the rise of click and collect in particular, retailers selling online for instant pickup, it's really made the process of selling online more accessible because the customer still walks in the door.”

“And so that {Click and Collect purchasing} is huge. That gives a bike shop a chance to get a face-to-face contact with a customer who's already bought from them and talk to them about whether their bike needs repair over the winter, suggestion sell to them....”

“Everybody who buys from you is precious. And how you treat them makes a difference on whether they're going to come back or not.”“The way we look at it is if we're not growing sales for our customers, then we're failing.”




Ryan Atkinson