Channel Mastery - Ep. 145: Chris Young & Andy Inman, Springs Wealth Group
Springs Wealth Group
CChris Young & Andy Inman
“...You'll hear Chris and I talk about a lot is - we fall back on plans. A financial plan really is the backbone of what we do and what we feel really strengthens that financial opportunity for any client that we work with, no matter what the assets they have, no matter what their goal is. Chris used a great analogy of going out with a guide on a backpacking trip. Well, I promise that guide, doesn't just throw his day pack on and say, "Hey, cool, let's go." They've got a strategy and a timeline lined out of, "Hey, we're going to hit this trailhead at this time, we're going to hit this checkpoint at this time, we're going to stop for lunch at this peak. We're going to have flexibility along the way that if we see something we want to go do, we can go do that." But ultimately, they don't walk out of the gear shack without having a plan in place.”
- Andy Inman
episode preview
As we’re in the year of pivoting, quickly shifting consumer behaviors and uncertainty, I thought my guests today from the Springs Wealth Group would be great to feature on the show, which is our first official “Cross Training” episode, a new type of show we’ll be hosting every other month or so. In this series, we get to learn from specialty brands that are not retail or physical product related. No matter what kind of business you have, your customer is online today and we all need to be re-examining how our target customer is discovering, engaging with and buying from us. The Springs Wealth Group is no exception.
My guests today include Andy Inman and Chris Young are co-founders and financial advisors at the Springs Wealth Group, a financial advisory practice with offices in Colorado Springs and Texas.
What they do is very important throughout the year, but in a year like COVID and as we're heading into the last couple months of 2020, business finances and personal finances are top of mind for many of us. Andy and Chris talk about their unique way of getting to know prospective clients, which I LOVE and how they’re trying to change the way of thinking from, I’ll enjoy life when I retire to let’s enjoy it now.
They’re also here to talk more about Corporate Social Responsibility and the trends they’ve seen in the financial world when it comes to people and businesses supporting brands that math their ethics and belief systems.
Chris Young
Chris Young is a financial advisor at Springs Wealth Group. He started his financial services practice in 2002 in San Antonio, TX. Since then, he has worked with hundreds of successful families and business owners helping them to reach their most important financial goals. After spending the first 17 years in Texas, he and his family made the decision to move to Colorado. His decision was both personal and professional. Personally, for his youngest son Dean, who has autism, could get additional resources in helping him to have a successful life. Professionally, to join together with my current business partner, Andy Inman, to focus on working with individuals and businesses with a passion for the outdoors and the outdoor lifestyle. He currently lives in Colorado Springs, CO his wife Adrianna, and three boys, Jack, Cole, and Dean. He is actively involved in their lives through sports, scouting, as well as autism awareness. He enjoys camping, backpacking, snow skiing, and anything outdoors.
Andy Inman
Andy Inman is a financial advisor and co-founder at Springs Wealth Group, based in Colorado Springs, CO. For the past 11 years he has partnered with both individuals and businesses/organizations to help them align their financial strategies with both their individual lifestyles and long-term goals. When he’s not busy collaborating with his clients to help them live their best life, he can be found somewhere in the Rocky Mountains camping, mountain biking, skiing or snowboarding (yes, he does both). He considers himself an avid supporter of the Colorado lifestyle, an outdoor enthusiast, a semi-pro bourbon drinker, and an amateur handyman. He currently lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Emily, and their three dogs.
select quotes
“We want to make sure that we're planning along the way and having a lot of fun as we go through. And there's obviously opportunities to have some fun while still being fiscally responsible and making sure you are providing for that someday when we eventually get there.” - Andy Inman
“...You'll hear Chris and I talk about a lot is - we fall back on plans. A financial plan really is the backbone of what we do and what we feel really strengthens that financial opportunity for any client that we work with, no matter what the assets they have, no matter what their goal is. Chris used a great analogy of going out with a guide on a backpacking trip. Well, I promise that guide, doesn't just throw his day pack on and say, "Hey, cool, let's go." They've got a strategy and a timeline lined out of, "Hey, we're going to hit this trailhead at this time, we're going to hit this checkpoint at this time, we're going to stop for lunch at this peak. We're going to have flexibility along the way that if we see something we want to go do, we can go do that." But ultimately, they don't walk out of the gear shack without having a plan in place.” - Andy Inman
“What we're seeing almost is an evolution of the dirt bag because these people who have used these natural spaces, whether it's the ski slope, the hiking trail, the river, the bike path, they're starting to see a higher level of use on this and they're going, "What can we do to make sure this is protected? What can we do to make sure that the users are following the ethics necessary to take care of that?" And where they're running into every single time is, "We need money. We need to fundraise. We need to give. We need charity to be able to do these things and protect our open spaces." So they're kind of starting to see a different light. "Yeah. Maybe I didn't need the money so much for myself, but I sure could go make some money and give it to this organization or cause." And those causes are important to Andy and I as well.” - Chris Young
“I spent 10 years as a Scout master and I get to see a lot of really neat places with the Scouts that took all over the country. But it taught me a lot about ethics and the outdoors, working with that organization and seeing the experiences that those young people had in the outdoors and how it changed their lives just made me think, not only do I want those spaces available for my kids, but for my grandkids and their kids and so on.” - Chris Young
“Yeah. I think one thing that we've started to see more and more is people are wanting to put some social purpose behind their money and how they spend it. I've seen that with how my wife and I have chosen to spend money over the last few years of we want to do business with businesses and brands that have the same beliefs that we have, and that actually put the money where their mouth is as far as supporting, whether it be outdoor preservation or protection or something of the sort we're seeing it... “ - Andy Inman
related links
Springs Wealth Group on Linkedin
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