Channel Mastery - Ep. 197: Ashley Korenblat on The Impact of a Business Voice toward Climate Progress
Public Land Solutions
Energy policy, public lands, The Inflation Reduction Act, and Business voice
Ashley Korenblat is a founding Managing Director for Public Land Solutions, a non-profit recreation economy consultant that works from the bottom up directly with communities transitioning away from fossil fuel extraction, and from the top down, on public land legislation and policies that affect this transition, such as oil and gas leasing and land management planning.
Ashley’s involvement with public land began when she served as President of Merlin Metalworks, a bicycle manufacturing company in Cambridge, MA. During that time she became chair of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) and worked with the organization to establish MOUs with federal, state, and local land managers.
Ashley has spent the last 15 years at Western Spirit Cycling, an outfitter based in Moab, Utah who runs multi-day trips throughout the US, and is one of the largest holders of recreational permits on the public lands system. Ashley was inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame in 2003. She was appointed to the Utah BLM Resource Advisory Council for two terms, as well as the Outdoor Recreation Economic Ecosystem Taskforce created by Utah Governor Jon Huntsman. Ashley created IMBA’s Public Lands Initiative and has testified before Congress on the recreation economy. She recently served on The Western Governor’s Association’s Get Out West Committee.
show highlights
In this episode of Channel Mastery, Kristin is joined by Ashley Korenblat, Managing Director for Public Land Solutions, to talk about how business leaders can support climate change solutions within their organizations. While there are many ways that business leaders can help combat climate change, Ashley explains how supporting public lands and informing policy around public lands is essential for the outdoor industry and its consumers.
Kristin and Ashley also speak to the recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, supply chain implications, public land solutions, oil and gas land + energy policy, and what you can do to support the climate through your business.
The Channel Mastery podcast is presented by Verde Brand Communications, a consumer-centric brand strategy and communication agency serving the outdoor recreation industries. We are also grateful for the sponsorship and partnership of Life Time, Inc., owner of the Sea Otter Classic and producer of the Sea Otter Classic Summit outdoor recreation executive gathering, taking place April 18-20, 2023, in Monterey, Calif. Learn more at
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The Channel Mastery podcast is presented by Verde Brand Communications and Life Time, Inc., owner of the Sea Otter Classic and producer of the Sea Otter Classic Summit outdoor recreation executive gathering, taking place April 18-20, 2023, in Monterey, Calif.
HOST: Kristin carpenter
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