Channel Mastery - Ep. 89: Mark Schaefer, Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions
Schaefer Marketing Solutions
mark schaefer, grow
“The customer is the marketer. How do we help them do the job? That requires reimagining what it means to be a business, what it means to be a marketer. How do we help our customers [become] the marketing department. That's a different way of thinking
- Mark Schaefer
episode preview
Mark Schaefer sums up a lot of marketing confusion in one, easy mantra: The customer is the marketer today.
We all know it, right? Compare how much time you spend reading reviews or checking social feeds versus the amount of time you spend reading ads, watching ads, listening to ads on the radio. There’s no comparison, especially today with the access we have to ad blockers, etc.
Specialty businesses and brands have the HUGE advantage of having strong relationships with our consumers. It’s person-to-person, hand-to-hand combat, ‘bedside manner.’ It’s not bots, data procurement, algorithms and digital personalization.
There’s a reason people by from WHO they like, not what they like.
Mark is a one-man master class in consumer connection. You’re about to experience 30+ minutes of ideas, examples and total persuasion around how businesses that support their customers and maintain their humanity are winning the battle for attention and market share.
Feel free to check out his latest book, Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins.
Mark Schaefer
Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author. His blog, Grow, is hailed as one of the top marketing blogs in the world.Mark has worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for more than 30 years and provides consulting services as executive director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions. For more info on Mark, visit here.
topics covered
Marketing, social media marketing, customer loyalty, the value of relationships, the customer as marketer, human-centric marketing, respecting the consumer, technology intoxication, ROI versus actual results, leveraging relationships through reciprocity
select quotes
“Marketing is all things human.”
“Today our businesses and brands are built on an accumulation of human impressions. That's what people trust. Trust in businesses, brands and advertising has declined 10 years in a row. Even if people see ads they don't believe them, but they do believe each other.”
“It's the emotion that creates loyalty, and loyalty is in decline today. The reason it's in decline is because emotion is being dissociated from brands. There's no emotion for Amazon.”
“The brand going forward is the personal brand. People can't fall in love with a logo, or a jingle, or an ad, or branded content, but they'll fall in love with a person.”
“People are tired of being sold to and being marketed to and being advertised to. They want to be respected.”
“The customer is the marketer. How do we help them do the job? That requires reimagining what it means to be a business, what it means to be a marketer. How do we help our customers [become] the marketing department. That's a different way of thinking.”
“The buying experience is our most powerful marketing opportunity.”
related links
Mark Schaefer,
The Marketing Companion podcast
“Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins," by Mark Schaefer (2019)
“The Power of Moments,” by Chip and Dan Heath“
KNOWN: Personal Branding Workbook,” by Mark Schaefer“
Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influencer and Persuade,” by Robert Cialdini
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