
client overview

Tailwind Nutrition

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With our founding office in Durango, Colorado, Verde is excited to add a local Durango brand to it's roster. We've known Tailwind well since the brand was founded here in 2012. We have been using Tailwind Endurance Fuel and Rebuild for years as a source of complete nourishment while exploring the endless trails and winding mountain passes of the San Juans (by foot and by wheel)!

Tailwind was founded in 2012 in Durango, Colorado, when Jeff and Jenny Vierling recognized that not all stomachs can handle the hard-to-digest molecules found in most sports nutrition products. Tailwind Nutrition provides steady, small doses of fuel that pass straight through the stomach and is made up of a composite that matches what the gut is made to absorb, without taxing the digestive tract. Made of all-natural, organic, endurance nutrition products (free of GMOs, dairy, soy, and gluten), Tailwind Nutrition supports an athlete’s fueling and recovery needs during and after exercise, allowing athletes to perform and compete at their highest level. Tailwind is all you need, all day. Really. Tailwind products are made right at home in Durango, Colorado. For more information visit tailwindnutrition.com.

We are excited to be handling their public relations - feel free to reach out to Lauren for any media inquires.



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