Channel Mastery - Ep. 61: Kristin Carpenter, Holiday Prep


"It’s no surprise that most consumers begin their product research online. But did you know that after discovering a product online, 90% of consumers will head to a brick and mortar store within 24 hours to make that purchase."

- Kristin Carpenter


Holiday sales are around the corner. This episode is part pep talk and 100% prep work. In this solocast, I provide tools and ideas that will not only get retailers dialed in for a kickass Q4, but will also transcend holiday in order to build long-term customer loyalty and conversion. I discuss how brick and mortar stores can leverage the power of digital strategies and tools (from the easy, do-it-yourself to pay-for opportunities) to capitalize on one VERY important statistic:In today’s show, I discuss how to ensure your store is present—or at least top of mind—during that online research, and that your store is the where they go to buy. And I share ideas on how to make that happen.


“Within 24 hours of concluding online research, 90% of consumers head to brick and mortar stores to complete their purchase process.”

“[Because Amazon has ‘trained’ us to expect ultimate convenience], when consumers feel any sort of friction, they jump to another more convenient option. This is true for all consumer demographics. Do everything you can to get rid of friction and to enable your end consumers to feel like it's a seamless process for them.”

[With credit to Mike Massey] “There's only one channel, and that's the sales channel.”

[According to a recent study by Edelman, see link below] “Consumers look at their favorite brands as more powerful than government.”

“People want to step away from their computer screen. If they’ve chosen to finish their journey in your store, make the experience exceptional for them.”



Kristin Carpenter