summit speaker series webinar: utah office of outdoor recreation and kristin carpenter

how to rise above the noise online today and show up in the NEW consumer decision journey

Earlier this month Kristin hosted a webinar for the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation: How to show up in the NEW consumer decision journey.

Your online channels are now the front door to your brand or business. In this webinar, Kristin walks through the consumer decision journey for today’s tech-savvy, online consumer and how you can rise above the noise to grow your online community of loyal brand fans.


key takeaways:

  • Consumers are online now more than ever. They’re consuming more video, spending more time on social media, in apps, etc.

  • The key is finding where YOUR consumer is and how they discover and engage with YOUR brand.

  • Rather than being everything to everyone, FOCUS on the channels that YOUR target consumer is on.

  • As customers navigate a series of “new normals,” being personal and empathetic will go a long way.

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Kristin CarpenterBecca Katz