Posts in Kristin Carpenter
verde live: november 11, 2020

In this weeks episode Kristin speaks to how the recent election and news of a potential COVID-19 vaccine impacted consumer confidence, how social media channels plan to put a stop to misinformation about the potential COVID-19 vaccine and the future of online shopping - livestream shopping and its popularity in China.

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insights to cue up the best possible 2021

September is a pivotal month for specialty businesses. It’s time for budgeting, strategic updates, seasonal changeover, etc. So here at Verde, we spent the month working on solutions to support you, our beloved specialty brands and retailers, as you plan for 2021. Check out our FREE planning tools here, including webinars, podcasts and more on: budgeting for 2021, the future of digital marketing, how the surge in e-commerce is impacting retail, consumer behavior trends and much, much more.

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