holiday summit webinar: how consumer behavior trends are reshaping the holiday season
holiday summit webinar with david howell, ryan riggs and kelly ramirez
During the month of September, Kristin Carpenter is hosting a webinar series sharing insight from the Multi-Channel Marketing Academy and tips for up-leveling your marketing strategy for the holiday season and 2021.
The first webinar in the series was the Holiday Summit: How consumer behavior trends and COVID are reshaping the holiday season with marketplace, e-commerce and marketing experts David Howell, Ryan Riggs and Kelly Ramirez. All three speakers bring a unique perspective on how consumer behavior trends and a surge in e-commerce will be reshaping the holiday season this year. Tune into the full webinar below.
Key takeaways:
E-commerce sales are up 55% year-over-year for the first seven months of 2020. That is a 10-year increase in e-commerce in just three months due to COVID-19.
Despite the pandemic, Amazon is still a big player. Last year, 70% of all search inquiries started on Amazon.
Mobile e-commerce traffic is up by 25%. We're now seeing more than 50% of orders coming from mobile.
To be successful in our new reality make sure your brand is doing these things:
Diversify your e-commerce strategy
Build up brand integrity
Monitor and listen to our consumers, where are they engaging and buying from your brand?
Make data your friend - it is critical for your business to understand insights through analytics.
Be human - The e-commerce world is a blend of science and art. It’s technology and humanity because at the end of the day, on the other side of the screen, we’re the same people online that we are offline.
Be nimble and be willing to take action against the information that you’re seeing.
This webinar is brought to you by the Multi-Channel Marketing Academy, an eight week online marketing course for specialty brands intent on up-leveling their marketing skills and strategies for 2021. Course enrollment takes place September 15-25, 2020. For more information about the course, visit the Multi-Channel Marketing Academy.