multi-channel marketing academy: 6 consumer behavior trends that are here to stay


consumer behavior trends impacting specialty brands and retailers

COVID-19 upended how specialty brands and retailers connect with and ultimately win over today’s consumer. What are the trends that are here to stay and what does that mean for specialty brands and retailers trying to plan for the holidays and 2021?

Verde and the Multi-Channel Marketing Academy have been reporting on trends in consumer behavior since COVID-19 first started. We’ve pulled together an infographic of the TOP trends in consumer behavior that are here to stay and how specialty brands and retailers can PIVOT to meet - and exceed - customer expectations today. This includes:

  • Why you need to be investing in e-commerce and your online channels

  • How to incorporate new tech. to personalize shopping experiences and improve customer service

  • The best ways to connect with consumers online today

  • How (and where) consumers are spending their money - and more

Sign up for the FREE Multi-Channel Marketing Academy newsletter below to learn more and for the Consumer Behavior Report + Infographic.

For more information about the Academy, which is open for enrollment through September 25, 2020, visit the Multi-Channel Marketing Academy.